Publicaciones y congresos

Los resultados de las investigaciones realizadas en el campo de la radiactividad ambiental y de la automatización de métodos analíticos para la determinación de radionúclidos, se han presentado en diversas publicaciones y congresos de ámbito nacional e internacional.


  • Comparison of dimension reduction techniques applied to the analysis of airborne radionuclide activity concentration. A. Russo, A. Borràs.. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 244-245 (2022) 106813.




  • Combining sediment fingerprinting and hydro-sedimentary monitoring to assess suspended sediment provenance in a mid-mountainous Mediterranean catchment. J. García-Comendador, N. Martínez-Carreras, J. Fortesa, J. Company, A. Borràs. Journal of Environmental Management 299 (2021) 113593.
  • Silver-functionalized UiO-66 metal-organic framework-coated 3D printed device for the removal of radioactive iodine from wastewaters. M. del Rio, M. Villar, S. Quesada, G. Turnes Palomino, L. Ferrer, C. Palomino Cabello. Applied materialstoday 24 (2021) 10113.


  • Analysis of post-fire suspended sediment sources by using colour parameters. García-Comendador, J.; Martínez-Carreras, N.; Fortesa, J.; Borràs, A.; Calsamiglia, A., Estrany, J. Geoderma 379 (2020) 114638.
  • Fully automated system with integrated liquid scintillation detector for the fast detection of 90Sr. M. Rodas, O. Pozo, A. Borràs, B. Servera, A. Pineda, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. (En evaluación).
  • Screening analysis previous radionuclide identification and quantification applied to environmental samples and residues. M. Villar, A. Borràs, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer (En evaluación).
  • Automatic multicommuted flow systems applied in sample treatment for radionuclide determination in biological and environmental analysis. R. Rodríguez, L. Ferrer, L. Leal. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 223-224 (2020) 106390.
  • Fast-response flow-based method for evaluating 131I from biological and hospital waste samples exploiting liquid scintillation detection. D. Esparza, M. Valiente, A. Borràs, M. Villar, L. Leal, F. Vega, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Talanta 206 (2020) 120224. (JIF 4.196; Q1 Chemistry)

  • Flow-through magnetic-stirring assisted system for uranium(VI) extraction: first 3D printed device application. M. Rodas, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Talanta 202 (2019) 267–273. (JIF 4.196; Q1 Chemistry)
  • 3D printed resin-coated device for uranium (VI) extraction. M. Rodas, F. González, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Talanta 196 (2019) 510–514. (JIF 4.196; Q1 Chemistry)
  • Monte-Carlo modeling and simulation of neutrons detection process using Boron-10. D. Benzaid; A. Seghour; A. Borras. "International Journal of Modern Physics E-Nuclear Physics", Volumen 26, Número 9, Páginas 1750058-1-1750058-12, 2017.
  • Fully automated system for 99Tc monitoring in hospital and urban residues: a simple approach to waste management. M. Villar, A. Borràs, J. Avivar, F. Vega, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Analytical Chemistry 89 (2017) 5857–5863. (JIF 6.32; Q1 Analytical Chemistry) DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00184
  • 226Ra dynamic lixiviation from phosphogypsum samples by an automated flow-through system with integrated renewable solid-phase extraction. M. Rodas, A. Borràs, R. García-Tenorio, R. Rodríguez, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Talanta 167 (2017) 398–403. (JIF 4.196; Q1 Chemistry) DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2017.02.036
  • Testing the use of 210Pbex to study sediment connectivity in a mediterranean mountain basin with badlands. M. Moreno de las Heras, F. Gallart, J. Latron, N. Martínez-Carreras, L. Ferrer, J. Estrany. Land Degradation and Development (2017). (JIF 8.607; Q1 Environmental Chemistry)
  • Monitoring of 7Be and gross beta in particulate matter of surface air from Mallorca Island, Spain. M. Rodas, A. Borràs, E. Gomila, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Chemosphere 152 (2016) 481–489. (JIF 4.456; Q1 Chemistry) DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.03.021
  • MSFIA-LOV system for 226Ra isolation and pre-concentration from water samples previous radiometric detection. R. Rodríguez, A. Borràs, L. Leal, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Analytica Chimica Acta 911 (2016) 75-81. (JIF 4.95; Q1 Analytical Chemistry) DOI: 10.1016/j.aca.2016.01.004
  • Strategies for automating solid-phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction in radiochemical analysis. R. Rodríguez, J. Avivar, L. Leal, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. Trends in Analytical Chemistry-TrAC 76 (2016) 145–152. (JIF 8.362; Q1 Analytical Chemistry) DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2015.09.009
  • Uranium monitoring tool for rapid analysis of environmental samples based on automated liquid-liquid microextraction. R. Rodríguez, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, L. Leal, V. Cerdà. Talanta 134 (2015) 674–680. (JIF 4.002; Q1 Chemistry) DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.12.007
  • Automation of 99Tc extraction by LOV prior ICP-MS detection: application to environmental samples. R. Rodríguez, L. Leal, S. Miranda, L. Ferrer, J. Avivar, A. García, V. Cerdà. Talanta 133 (2015) 88–93. (JIF 4.002; Q1 Chemistry) DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2014.04.093
  • Automatic in-syringe dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction of 99Tc from biological samples and hospital residues prior liquid scintillation counting. M. Villar, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, A. Borràs, F. Vega, V. Cerdà. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 407 (2015) 5571–5578. (JIF 3.125; Q1 Analytical Chemistry) Paper in Forefront.

  • Análisis rápido y automático de 99Tc en muestras de interés ambiental con detección por ICP-MS. R. Rodríguez, L. Leal, J. Avivar, A. Borràs, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà. In: VIII Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental (2014), Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear y Comité Organizador de las Jornadas (eds.), pp. 222–240.
  • Determination of 90Sr and 210Pb in sludge samples using a LOV-MSFIA system and liquid scintillation counting. M. Mola, J. Avivar, A. Nieto, A. Peñalver, C. Aguilar, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà, F. Borrull. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 86 (2014) 28–35. (JIF 1.297; Q2 Radiation)
  • Automatic and simple method for 99Tc determination using a selective resin and liquid scintillation detection applied to urine samples. M. Villar, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Galmés, F. Vega, V. Cerdà. Analytical Chemistry.
  • Automated method for simultaneous lead and strontium isotopic analysis applied to rainwater samples and airborne particulate filters (PM10). B. Beltrán, J. Avivar, M. Mola, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà, L. Leal. Environmental Science & Technology 47 (2013) 9850–9857. (JIF 5.836; Q1 Chemistry and Q1 Environmental Chemistry) DOI: 10.1021/es400118w
  • Técnicas de detección alternativas a la detección radiométrica para la determinación de radionúclidos de larga vida media. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. In: VII Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental (2012), Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (ed.), Depósito Legal M23767/2013, pp. 347–357.
  • Separación de 90Sr y 210Pb en muestras de lodos mediante un sistema lab on valve. M. Mola, J. Avivar, A. Nieto, A. Peñalver, C. Aguilar, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà, F. Borrull. In: VII Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental (2012), Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (ed.), Depósito Legal M23767/2013, pp. 358–367.
  • Automated total and radioactive strontium separation and pre-concentration in samples of environmental interest exploiting a lab-on-valve system. R. Rodríguez, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, L. Leal, V. Cerdà. Talanta 96 (2012), 96-101.
  • Fully automated LOV-MSFIA-ICP-MS system: An effective tool for fast, sensitive and selective determination of thorium and uranium at environmental levels exploiting solid phase extraction. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. J. Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27 (2012) 327–334.
  • Técnicas de análisis en flujo aplicadas a la determinación totalmente automatizada de trazas de uranio. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. VI Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental, Vol. 1 (2011) 236-245. Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear (Ed.), Depósito Legal BI 2536/2011.
  • Smart thorium and uranium determination exploiting renewable solid phase extraction applied to environmental samples in a wide concentration range. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 400 (2011) 3585-3594.
  • Lab on valve-Multisyringe flow injection system (LOV-MSFIA) for fully automated uranium determination in environmental samples. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Talanta 84 (2011) 1221–1227.
  • Automation of radiochemical analysis by applying flow techniques to environmental samples. Y. Fajardo, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, E. Gómez, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Trends in Analytical Chemistry-TrAC 29 (11) (2010) 1399-1408.
  • Automated determination of uranium(VI) at ultra trace levels exploiting flow techniques and spectrophotometric detection using a liquid waveguide capillary cell. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry 397 (2010) 871-878.
  • Development of a new MSFIA-MPFS method for americium and plutonium separation and preconcentration. Y. Fajardo, L. Ferrer, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V.Cerdà. Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 195-202.
  • Análisis por inyección en flujo para la determinación de isótopos radiactivos en muestras ambientales. Y. Fajardo, L. Ferrer, E. Gómez, F.Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. IV Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental, Vol. 1 (2006) 97-106. G. Manjón, R. García-Tenorio (Eds.), Universidad de Sevilla. ISBN-10: 84-689-6455-7.
  • Multisyringe flow injection analysis of stable and radioactive yttrium in water and biological samples. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Garcias, V. Cerdà, M. Casas. Analytica Chimica Acta 539 (2005) 189-194.
  • Multisyringe flow injection analysis of stable and radioactive strontium in samples of environmental interest. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Mas, F. Garcías, V. Cerdà, M. Casas. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 61 (2004) 273-277.
  • Implementation of a sequential injection pretreatment method for simultaneous radium and strontium determination. J. Mateos, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Inter. J. Environ. Analytical Chemistry 83 (2003) 515-521.
  • Sequential injection 90Sr determination in environmental samples using a wetting-film extraction method. M. Miró, E. Gómez, J. M. Estela, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Analytical Chemistry 74 (2002) 826-833.
  • Rapid 90Sr/90Y determination in water samples using a sequential injection method. J. Mateos, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Applied Radiation and Isotopes 53 (2000) 139-144.
  • A sequential injection method for radium determination in environmental samples. A. Caldés, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V.Cerdà. Radioactivity & Radiochemistry 10 (1999) 16-21.
  • Determination of 137Cs and 90Sr in calcareous soils: Geographical distribution in the Island of Majorca. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Applied Radiation and Isotopes, 48 (1997) 699-704.
  • Natural radioactive elements and heavy metals in coal, fly ash and botton ash from a thermal power plant. J. Font, M. Casas, R. Forteza, V. Cerdà, F. Garcías. J. Environ. Science Health A28 (1993) 2061- 2073.
  • Analysis for metal elements and radioactive isotopes in fly ash produced in lignite combustion at a thermal power plant. M. Casas, F. Garcías, Ll. Serra, M. Baucells, G. Lacort, M. Roura, R. Forteza, V. Cerdà. J. Environ. Science & Health A27 (1992) 419-432.
  • Contaminación Radioactiva. M. Blanco, V. Cerdà, M. Casas (Eds.), AEST, 1992, ISBN 84-604-4846-0.
  • Determination of heavy metals and radioactive elements in purifier sludge. P. Blanco, M. Oms, J. Estela, V. Cerdà, M. Casas, J. Mañas, J. Pons, Ll. Serra, M. Baucells, G. Lacort, M. Roura. J. Environ. Science Health A25 (1990) 855-868.


  • Sediment Fingerprinting Tracer Conservativeness: Exploring the In-Channel Soil Properties variability. J. García-Comendador, N. Martínez-Carreras, J. Fortesa, J. Company, A. Borràs, E. Palacio, J. Estrany. 10th  International Conference on Geomorphology (2022) Coimbra, Portugal.
  • Análisis de radiación gamma natural en muestras de aerosoles atmosféricos obtenidas con captador de alto volumen para partículas PM10 en la isla de Mallorca. A. Oliver, S. Serrano, L. Ferrer, E. Palacio, A. Borràs. 7º Congreso Conjunto SEFM SEPR (2021).
  • Determinación de radiactividad natural en aguas subterráneas en la isla de Mallorca. A. Oliver, L. Ferrer, E. Palacio, A. Borràs. 7º Congreso Conjunto SEFM SEPR (2021).
  • Airborne natural gamma radiation associated to PM10 aerosols in Mallorca (Spain). A. Oliver, s. Serrano-Rueda, L. Ferrer, E. Palacio, A. Borràs. ENVIRA2021 - 6th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity. (2021) Greece. 
  • Underground water natural radioactivity in Mallorca (Spain). A. Oliver, L. Ferrer, A. Borràs, E. Palacio. ENVIRA2021 - 6th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity. (2021) Greece.
  • Scanner derived colour parameters to determine suspended sediment sources in burned catchments. J. García-Comendador, N. Martínez-Carreras, J. Fortesa, A. Borràs, A. Calsamiglia, J. Estrany.  European Geosciences Union General Assembly (2020), Viena.
  • 3D printed devices to integrate in flow-through systems for radionuclide measuring: application to uranium and radiostrontium determinations. M. Rodas, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer, A. Borràs. 5th International Conference on Environmental Radioactivity (2019), Prague, Czech Republic. (Póster)
  • Application of silver-functionalized metal-organic frameworks for the extraction and preconcentration of radionuclides from aqueous solutions. M. del Rio, C. Palomino, L. Ferrer, G. Turnes. 6th International Conference on Multifuncional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials (2019), Sitges, Spain. (Póster)
  • Lab-on valve system for 131I extraction from biological and hospital waste samples previous liquid scintillation detection. D. Esparza, L. Leal, M. Valiente, F. Vega, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 14th International Conference on Flow Analysis – FLOW XIV (2018), Bangkok, Thailand. (Póster)
  • Automation of radiochemical analysis by flow techniques applied to environmental samples. V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 14th International Conference on Flow Analysis – FLOW XIV (2018), Bangkok, Thailand. (Oral)
  • X Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental (2018), Bilbao, España.
  • Redes metalo-orgánicas: aplicación en la extracción y preconcentración de radionúclidos en muestras acuosas. M. del Rio, C. Palomino, L. Ferrer, F. Maya, G. Turnes. IV Jornadas Doctorales (2018), Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, España.
  • 3D printed device for uranium extraction exploiting a SIA system. M. Rodas, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 14th International Conference on Flow Analysis – FLOW XIV (2018), Bangkok, Thailand. (Póster)
  • Extraction and preconcentration of radioiodine throughout a MSFIA-LOV system previous liquid scintillation counter detection. D. Esparza, M. Villar, L. Leal, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 21st International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques – ICFIA (2017), Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
  • Hyphenation of MSFIA-LOV system with a homemade liquid scintillation detector for radionuclide determination at environmental levels. M. Rodas, A. Borràs, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 21st International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques – ICFIA (2017), Saint-Petersburg, Russia.
  • Automated dispersive liquid–liquid microextraction of 99Tc from biological samples and hospital residues previous liquid scintillation counting. M. Villar, A. Borràs, F. Vega, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. International Conference on Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry – LSC2017 (2017), Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Design and development of a miniaturized detector for radionuclide determination in automated flow systems. O. Pozo, A. Borràs, T. Servera, A. Pineda, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. International Conference on Advances in Liquid Scintillation Spectrometry – LSC2017 (2017), Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • An application of excess lead-210 analysis for the study of fine sediment connectivity in a Mediterranean mountain basin with badlands, the Vallcebre research catchments. M. Moreno de las Heras, F. Gallart, J. Latron, N. Martínez-Carreras, L. Ferrer, J. Estrany. European Geosciences Union - EGU General Assembly (2017), Vienna, Austria.
  • Análisis isotópico de plomo y estroncio en muestras de agua utilizando un nuevo método analítico automatizado. B. Beltrán, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà, L. Leal. Congreso Internacional del Agua (2017), Chihuahua, México.
  • Estudio de la cinética de lixiviación dinámica de 226Ra de muestras de fosfoyeso implementando un sistema automático. M. Rodas, A. Borràs, R. García-Tenorio, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. IX Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental (2016), Sitges, España.
  • Testing fine sediment connectivity hypotheses using fallout radionuclide tracers in a small catchment with badlands. Vallcebre Research Catchments (NE Spain). F. Gallart, J. Latron, D. Vuolo, N. Martínez-Carreras, N. Pérez-Gallego, L. Ferrer, J. Estrany. European Geosciences Union - EGU General Assembly (2016), Vienna, Austria.
  • Study of the dynamic lixiviation of 226Ra from phosphogypsum by an automatic system previous radiometric detection. M. Rodas, A. Borràs, R. García-Tenorio, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. II International Conference on Radioecological Concentration Process (2016), Seville, Spain.
  • Fully automated system for monitoring 99Tc in radioactive residues using a selective resin and UV-Vis on-line detection. M. Villar, A. Borràs, F. Vega, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. II International Conference on Radioecological Concentration Process (2016), Seville, Spain.
  • Automation of solid-phase extraction and liquid-liquid extraction in radiochemical analysis. R. Rodríguez, J. Avivar, L. Leal, J. Méndez, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (2016), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Lab-On-Valve system coupled to online UV-Vis detection for monitoring 99Tc in hospital and urban residues. M. Villar, A. Borràs, F. Vega, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (2016), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Development of flow cell detector for radionuclide determination to integrate in a miniaturized flow system. A. Borràs, O. Pozo, T. Servera, A. Pineda, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (2016), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Dynamic lixiviation of uranium and thorium from phosphogypsum by an MSFIA-LOV system previous ICP-MS detection. M. Rodas, R. García-Tenorio, J.M. Estela, V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer. 20th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (2016), Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
  • Sediment connectivity in a small catchment with badlands: Testing connectivity indices using fallout radionuclide tracers at the Vallcebre Research Catchments. F. Gallart, J. Latron, D. Vuolo, N. Martínez-Carreras, N. Pérez-Gallego, J. Estrany, L. Ferrer. European Geosciences Union - EGU General Assembly (2015), Vienna, Austria.
  • 99Tc determination exploiting in-syringe dispersive liquid-liquid micro-extraction previous liquid scintillation counting. M. Villar, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, A. Borràs, F. Vega, V. Cerdà. 13th International Conference on Flow Analysis - Flow Analysis XIII (2015), Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Miniaturized automatic system for 226Ra isolation and pre-concentration from drinking water. R. Rodríguez, L. Ferrer, A. Borràs, L.O. Leal, V. Cerdà. 13th International Conference on Flow Analysis - Flow Analysis XIII (2015), Prague, Czech Republic.
  • Análisis rápido y automático de 99Tc en muestras de interés ambiental con detección por ICP-MS. R. Rodríguez, L. Leal, J. Avivar, A. Borràs, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà. VIII Jornadas sobre Calidad en el Control de la Radiactividad Ambiental (2014), Huelva, España.
  • Fully automated liquid-liquid microextraction flow system for uranium determination in environmental samples. R. Rodríguez, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, L.O. Leal, V. Cerdà. 14 Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental –JAI (2014), Barcelona, España.
  • Automated in-syringe magnetic stirring assisted liquid-liquid microextraction of uranium(VI) coupled to liquid waveguide capillary cell spectrophotometric. R. Rodríguez, L.O. Leal, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà. 19th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis and Related Techniques (2014), Fukuoka, Japan.
  • Isotopic analysis of lead and strontium in environmental samples by an automated solid phase extraction system coupled to ICP-MS. G. Beltrán, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà, L. Leal. International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements – ICOBTE 2013 (2013), Athens, Georgia, USA.
  • LOV system for 99Tc extraction and pre-concentration applied to environmental samples exploiting ICP-MS. R. Rodríguez, L. Leal, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, S. Miranda, V. Cerdà. 18th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis - ICFIA18 (2013), Porto, Portugal.
  • In-syringe dispersive liquid–liquid micro-extraction of 99Tc applied to biological samples from treated patients. M. Villar, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, F. Vega, V. Cerdà. 18th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis - ICFIA18 (2013), Porto, Portugal.
  • Radiochemical analysis environmental impact minimization by automation exploiting flow techniques. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà. II Congreso Internacional de Química e Ingeniería Verde (2013), Monterrey, México.
  • Automated system for technetium-99 determination in urine from patients treated with technetium-99m. M. Villar, J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Galmés, F. Vega, V. Cerdà. 12th International Conference on Flow Analysis - Flow Analysis XII (2012), Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Smart thorium and uranium determination exploiting renewable solid phase extraction applied to environmental samples in a wide concentration range. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 1er Congreso Internacional de Ciencia y Tecnología Ambiental (2012), Mar del Plata, Argentina.
  • LOV system for fully automated of stable and radioactive strontium determination in samples of environmental interest. R. Rodríguez, J. Avivar, L. Leal, L. Ferrer, V. Cerdà. 17th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis – ICFIA, Poland, 2011.
  • Fully automated LOV-MSFIA-ICP-MS system for thorium and uranium determination exploiting renewable solid phase extraction applied to environmental samples. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 17th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis – ICFIA, Poland, 2011.
  • SIA and MSFIA determination of radioisotopes in environmental samples. V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer, J. Avivar, M. Casas. 17th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis – ICFIA, Poland, 2011.
  • Radiochemical multicommuted flow techniques applied to environmental samples. V. Cerdà, L. Ferrer, J. Avivar, M. Casas. IUPAC International Congress on Analytical Sciences – ICAS, Japan, 2011.
  • Thorium determination at ultra-trace levels exploiting LOV-MSFIA techniques. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. IUPAC International Congress on Analytical Sciences – ICAS, Japan, 2011.
  • Monitoring of uranium in environmental samples by means of flow techniques. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 55 Annual Meeting of the Health Physics Society, USA, 2010.
  • MSFIA-LOV: a fully automated miniaturized system for radioisotopes isolation and determination at ultra trace levels. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. II International Workshop on Analytical Miniaturization (Lab-on-a-chip), Spain, 2010.
  • Multisyringe flow injection–Lab on valve system (MSFIA-LOV) for fully automated uranium determination at ultra trace levels. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 16th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, Thailand, 2010.
  • Development of a MSFIA-MPFS method for uranium separation and pre-concentration followed by spectrophotometric detection using a long path length liquid waveguide capillary cell. J. Avivar, L. Ferrer, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Flow Analysis XI, Spain, 2009.
  • Flow systems for automatic separation and pre-concentration of radioactive isotopes in environmental samples. L. Ferrer, Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 14th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, Germany, 2007.
  • MSFIA-MPFS system for the separation and pre-concentration of Am and Pu in environmental samples. Y. Fajardo, L. Ferrer, E. Gómez, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 10th International Conference on Flow Analysis, Portugal, 2006.
  • A new MSFIA-MPFS method for americium and plutonium separation and pre-concentration in environmental samples. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. IMA2005, Greece, 2005.
  • Americium and plutonium determination by a MSFIA-MPS method in environmental samples. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 11 Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, Spain, 2005.
  • Development of a new MSFIA-MPS method for Radium separation and pre-concentration in water. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. International Conference on Flow Analysis - ICFIA, USA, 2005.
  • Multisyringe flow injection analysis of stable and radioactive yttrium in water and biological samples. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Euroanalysis XIII, Spain, 2004.
  • Multisyringe flow injection analysis of stable and radioactive strontium in samples of environmental interest. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Mas, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Conference on low level radioactivity measurement techniques, Austria, 2003.
  • MSFIA for stable and radioactive strontium in samples of environmental interest. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Mas, F. Garcias, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 12th International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, Venezuela, 2003.
  • Multisyringe flow injection analysis of stable and radioactive strontium in samples of environmental interest. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, F. Mas, F. Garcias, V. Cerdà, M. Casas. VIII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field, Spain, 2003.
  • Separación de estroncio mediante análisis por inyección en flujo multijeringa. Aplicación a la determinación de 90Sr en muestras ambientales. Y. Fajardo, F. Mas, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 37 Congreso Mexicano de Química, México, 2002.
  • Determinación de 90Sr muestras ambientales mediante un sistema de película de extracción por inyección secuencial. M. Miró, E. Gómez, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 37 Congreso Mexicano de Química, México, 2002.
  • Desarrollo de un método MSFIA para la separación de estroncio. Aplicación a la determinación de 90Sr en muestras ambientales. Y. Fajardo, F. Mas, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. X Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, España, 2002.
  • Development of a wetting-film strategy for 90Sr determination at environmental levels. M. Miró, E. Gómez, J. M. Estela, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. VII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology Applied to the Environmental Field, Spain, 2002.
  • Determination of radioactive isotopes in the Balearic Islands. Y. Fajardo, E. Gómez, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. VII International Symposium on Analytical Methodology Applied to the Environmental Field, Spain, 2002.
  • Desarrollo de un sistema de análisis por inyección secuencial (SIA) para la extracción líquido-líquido sobre película de 90Sr con un éter corona. M. Miró, E. Gómez, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. XXIV Jornadas Chilenas de Química, Chile, 2001.
  • 90Sr determination in environmental samples using a wetting-film sequential injection extraction method. M. Miró, E. Gómez, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Sociedad Española Química Analítica - SECA, España, 2001.
  • 90Sr determination in environmental samples using a wetting-film sequential injection extraction method. M. Miró, E. Gómez, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. IMA 2001, Greece, 2001.
  • Sequential injection method for the simultaneous radium and strontium determination in waters. J. Mateos, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 35 Congreso Mexicano de Química, México, 2000.
  • Simultaneous sequential injection determination of radium and strontium. J. J. Mateos, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 9as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, España, 1999.
  • A sequential injection method for radium and strontium simultaneous determination. J. J. Mateos, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Tenth International Conference on Flow Injection Analysis, Czech Republic, 1999.
  • Radium determination in liquid samples using a sequential injection method. A. Caldés, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. V International Symposium on Analytical Methodology in the Environmental Field, Spain, 1998.
  • A sequential injection method for radium determination in environmental samples. A. Caldés, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Rapid radioactivity measurements in emergency and routine situations, England, 1997.
  • Determination of uranium and gamma radioactive elements in low level solid waste. J. Font, M. Casas, R. Forteza, V. Cerdà. International Symposium on Radionuclide Metrology and its Applications, Spain, 1997.
  • Determinación de 90Sr en suelos calcáreos. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. 8as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, España, 1996.
  • Determination of Radium in mineral waters. J.C. Bayés, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. IV Symposium Internacional de Metodología Analítica en el Campo del Medio Ambiente, España, 1996.
  • Determinación de 137Cs y 90Sr en suelos calcáreos: distribución geográfica en la isla de Mallorca. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. IV Symposium Internacional de Metodología Analítica en el Campo del Medio Ambiente, España, 1996.
  • Determinación de 90Sr en suelos calcáreos. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V.Cerdà. 7as Jornadas de Análisis Instrumental, España, 1995.
  • Radium determination in mineral water. J.C. Bayés, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Conference on Low Level Measurement Techniques, España, 1995.
  • Geographical distribution of 137Cs and 90Sr in soils of Majorca Island. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Conference on Low Level Measurement Techniques, Spain, 1995.
  • Detección de la fracción ligada de los descendientes del Rn. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Protección Radiológica, España, 1994.
  • Estudio de las fracciones libre y adherida a los aerosoles de algunos emisores gamma naturales. E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. III Symposium Internacional de Metodología Analítica en el Campo del Medio Ambiente, España, 1994.
  • Radioactividad ambiental en las aguas de Mallorca. J. C. Bayés, E. Gómez, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. III Symposium Internacional de Metodología Analítica en el Campo del Medio Ambiente, España, 1994.
  • Programa REVIRA: un balance de la contaminación radiactiva en las Islas Baleares. M. Casas, V. Cerdà, F. Garcías, E. Gómez. III Symposium Internacional de Metodología Analítica en el Campo del Medio Ambiente, España, 1994.
  • Environmental radiation in air, rain water and mineral water at the Majorca Island. E. Gómez, C. Bayés, F. Garcías, M. Casas, V. Cerdà. EROS 2000. Palma de Mallorca, España, 1994.
  • Determination of uranium and gamma radioactive elements in low level solid waste. J. Font, M. Casas, R. Forteza, V. Cerdà, F. Garcías. II Symposium Internacional de Metodología Analítica en el Campo del Medio Ambiente, España, 1993.
  • Monitoring of inorganic components in aerosols and rain water in the Mallorca Station. M. Colom, J. Mateu, R. Forteza, V. Cerdà, M. Casas, E. Gómez. Fourth EROS-2000 Workshop, England, 1992.
  • Analysis of fly ash from lignite combustion at a thermal power plant. M. Casas, F. Garcías, Ll. Serra, R. Forteza, V. Cerdá. IV National Congress of the Spanish Radiation Protection Association, España, 1991.